Customers' Feedback of Octane Heirlooms Made By Leone Tang

Customers' Feedback of Octane Heirlooms Made By Leone Tang

The octane heirloom, also called the Octane butterfly knife, or Octane balisong, is one of the most popular Apex Heirlooms (a kind of melee weapon) in Apex Legends.

Octane heirloom replica

Therefore loved by gamers, a lot of people want it in real life.

A lot of craftsmen have made it in real life, some of them made 3D-printed Octane heirlooms first.

And I'm the first craftsman who started to make the metal Octane balisongs.

Octane heirloom metal

My Octane Heirloom replica is absolutely the most popular one on the market.
Even the Google search has given my Octane heirloom the top rank, which is even higher than Amazon.

Octane heirlom ranking

But how do the customers feel about the Octane heirlooms I made?

Here I'm going to share the picture feedback from my customers from Instagram.

The 1st feedback comes from Ethan who bought my Octane heirloom 2nd version in 2022.

Octane heirloom customer feedback

This is the second version of the Octane heirloom I made, which has a luminous tube instead of the liquid tube in the game.

He said-"looks good". ( I guess he likes it.)

The 2nd feedback is from York, he bought my Octane heirloom V3, Wraith heirloom, and some other crafts.

York Feedback for Octane heirloom

And he said " Leone, my dude, you are a master craftsman. so happy with them! thanks so much."

I also want to say thanks to customers like him, their praise and encouragement helped me move so far.

The 3rd feedback is from clstephen0220, he bought the Octane heirloom v3.
He made an INS post and said " My Octane heirloom weapon finally come in! I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Thank you leonetang for an amazing product."

Octane heirloom review

Well, I do appreciate customers who are willing to share my products on social media.

Their sharing not only brings me new customers but also gives me more credit for a small business, it's so important for my small business. You know, the trust problem is still one of the biggest problems for online shopping.

Some customers tell me they don't have bought anything online except Amazon, and then, my site has the honor of being the second one.

Well, I want to say , I will think about the same thing as you when the first time I saw a small website--scam.

Btw, you may not know the trust rating website has given my site a 4-star rating. ( I just know it last week) rating

I was not so happy because it's not 5 stars, but I felt much better after I found some other site I had known for years has no rating yet, I guess their rating is a result of comprehensive considerations.

The 4th the feedback is from selina_mata.

Octane butterfly knife review

We met some problems with delivering the Octane heirloom liquid tube version replica to her at first.

However, after contacting the USPS, she got it and shared the feedback with me immediately.

The reason I shared her feedback is to say-- yes, sometimes, there might be problems with international shipping from us, I also shop from other countries, and sometimes there are troubles, but if you shop from my store, I will try my best to help you out.

Btw, the Octane heirloom looks so meet the Monster drink.

The 5th feedback is from Brayden_sznscoped, and he said "fully metal and is much better in real life than the pictures would recommend".

Octane knife feedback

Yes, a lot of my customers said my crafts look better in real life than the pictures.
Some of my customers even complained to me that they think my site is too simple compared with other online stores.

My thought is I'm a craftsman, it's more important to make the crafts more gorgeous instead of the pictures.

Actually, I usually take product pictures with my iPhone.

The only application of Photoshop is to cut them into specific sizes for fast loading.

Well, I have hundreds of positive reviews from my customers.

positive review of my octane heirlooms

And there are a few negative feedbacks too.

negative feedback of my octane heirloom

There are some customers who tell me they have received the leaking Octane heirloom replica, but the liquid tube is falling off and starting to leak.

And another customer has told me the bolt nail at the end of the handle fell off.
I'm really caring about the feedback of my customers, so I have upgraded the package of my Octane heirloom V3.

octane heirloom new pacakge

It has much better protection than the older plastic box.

Can't say this will solve all the problems with the delivery, but shows my attitude toward the problems in my small business.

Other than that, I will keep improving my after-sale service for my customers.
There is much more social media evidence I can share with you guys, but let me take a break today.

More feedback on my crafts will be shared in the future.

I'm always eager to talk with my customers, please feel free to leave your comment here.

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